Tuesday, 26 April 2011

The Bee Movie (racist)

Watched the film the bee movie yesterday and as I watched I was laughing not at the jokes of which there was few but at th slight racism of the film and the messages it was sending to the young audience watching it. The film highlighted some great stereo types and the actors who were doing the voices were encouraging this, did they know or did they not care. So the main voice in this film is Jerry Seinfeld who is of the Jewish religion, he plays a bee who has to find a job and work the same job all his life. All his friends have jewish features for bees and are all hard working (stereo type that all Jews work hard an make money). OK thats not to strong of a stereo type but the ingraining begins, the next one is the bees who go out to collect the honey are big strong bees who all the women bees like. So the message so far is if your big you have a great job and adventure collecting honey and women or your small and work in an office all day with no women. Another part of this film shown all the jewish like hard working bees being "gassed" erm yeah I thought that was strange they were being auschwitz'd, sending the message this is ok. The last stereo type appeared when Chris Rock for no reason was in the film, he played a mosquito and as he said no one likes them there lonely and all women mosquito want to trade up. Sending another message that all black people are hated and black women want to trade up. This film had an underlying level of racism which amused me but also made me wonder has it affected any children watching. The film in general doesn't deserve a mention it is a poor one of the cgi age and not worth seeing.